Whatever the problem - getting in touch is the first step.
When you fill in the fields below, all your information stays confidential - and one of our expert advisors will get in touch.
Racing Chaplain
Andrew McKerrow is employed by The Salvation Army as a chaplain to the New Zealand racing industry.
He offers confidential support and encouragement to those within racing. Whether life is just feeling tough in general or you’re battling a specific issue, he is available to journey with you and to help you in your situation.
Some of the practical things Andrew offers are:
- Pastoral care visits and one on one catch ups with people when/as needed
- Referrals to other support services and/or helping agencies as/if needed (e.g budgeting, addiction support, counselling etc)
- Welfare help (assistance with food, furniture and other household items)
- Presentations to groups on care and welfare related issues
- Hospital visitation and support through injury or illness
- Advocacy – e.g. support at court proceedings, WINZ meetings etc
- Andrew also offers spiritual support including organising and taking funerals if needed
Andrew is passionate about seeing people in racing supported and encouraged and is only a phone call or a shoulder tap away.
EMAIL: Andrew_McKerrow@nzf.salvationarmy.org
PHONE: 029 771 2398
Alcohol, Drug & Mental Health Clinician
Diana is a registered Alcohol and Drug, and Mental Health Clinician/Counsellor, employed by The Salvation Army and contracted exclusively to the racing industry.
She is passionate about being able to provide the support that any racing participant requires and all sessions are confidential.
Some of what Dianna can provide:
Alcohol and Drug:
Diagnosis, assessments, advice, reports, referrals, detoxification, residential care, treatment, support, education.
Stress, grief, bullying, trauma, coping skills, communication skills, abusive relationships, and anything else.
Mental Health:
Assessments, referrals, advice, education, support.
EMAIL: Dianna_Young@nzf.salvationarmy.org
PHONE: 021 941 085